Quotes to the direction of “Good and Evil” for the final essay 2019-2020

There is an arrogance of kindness, which has the appearance of malice. Nietzsche

Only when you meet evil do you begin to value good. W. Scheucher

When Good is powerless, it is Evil. O. Wilde

Good as easily turns into evil, as evil – into good. J. Boehme

There is an arrogance of kindness, which has the appearance of malice. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

I remember the good for a long time, and the evil – even longer. (proverb)

Only when you meet evil do you begin to value good. Vladimir Scheuher

Good is evil, evil is good. Shakespeare

When Good is powerless, it is Evil. Oscar Wilde

Good always seems evil to evil. Ray Bradbury

Good and evil are one. Heraclitus

Good as easily turns into evil, as evil – into good. Jacob Boehme

Whoever sows good is good is its fruit,
Whoever sows evil will reap evil.

Pay for evil with honesty, and pay for good with good. William Faulkner

I am against violence. Because when it seems that evil is doing good, that good is not for long. And evil remains forever. Mahatma Gandhi

Evil, like good, has its heroes. Francois de Larochefoucauld

Evil will never bring Good! Paulo Coelho

Both good and evil are in your heart. Proverb

The highest wisdom is to distinguish between good and evil. Socrates

Good and evil can be done everywhere. Michel Montaigne

The pretense of kindness repels more than outright malice. Leo Tolstoy

Evil never sleeps, and Good is vigilant. Terry Pratchett

Evil instantly in this world, inescapable kindness. Shota Rustaveli

If evil conquers, it is declared good. Arkady Filippovich Davidovich

A satisfactory compromise between Good and Evil can never be reached. Franklin Roosevelt

Art is one of the means of distinguishing good from evil. Leo Tolstoy

If anger is taken away from me, I will become a jellyfish. In order for me to become good, anger must be replaced with kindness. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Evil cannot even be evil in the fullness in which good is good. Clive Staples Lewis

After all, people have their virtues and vices not laid out on shelves. All this is mixed up. Bernard Show

To respond to good with good is everyone’s business, and to evil with good is a brave business. Proverb

I must say, I was always struck by the popularity of good and evil, this inseparable couple. Personally, it always seemed to me that the struggle in this world is not between good and evil, but between evil and evil, and more often, alas, between evil and evil and evil. It happened – between evil and evil and evil and evil. I also witnessed how evil and evil and evil and evil and evil and evil and evil fight among themselves. Tibor fisher

When you play good, look for where he is evil, and in evil look where he is good. Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

Good exists in the nature of things, evil in the nature of man who uses things for evil. Pierre Edmond Boshen

Pay good for evil and do not be afraid of anyone, do not be afraid of anyone’s deeds, for by paying good for evil and always doing good, we move forward and never backward. Lobsang Rampa

For those who look inside,
Evil with good is like gold and silver.
For both are given for a while,
For soon evil and good will end.
Omar Khayyam

I have never seen Good go into combat with Evil. Each time one Evil fights with another Evil. Boris Akunin

Good and evil are the essence in man: if you want good, there is good, if you want evil, then there will be evil from you and you! God does not force you to good and evil, you are sovereign, created by his will and freely create both evil and good. Your devil is need and darkness! The good essence in human truth, for it is God’s, your evil is not evil, but bestial! Maksim Gorky

Atrocities wear many masks, and the most dangerous is the mask of virtue.

Maybe it’s better not to destroy evil, but to grow good? Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Evil flies on wings, good creeps like a turtle. Voltaire

To do evil is not necessary to be evil. To do good is a must. Stas Yankovsky

True causeless evil is as rare as true good. Jasper forford

Good is to observe without changing; evil is to do without knowing. Vladimir Anatolyevich Fedorov

Evil itself will punish itself, and good itself will reward you. Elizabeth Dvoretskaya

Evil produces far more consequences in this world than good. Jerome Klapka Jerome

Good is suspicious with fists, and evil with pies. Vladimir Leontievich Havel

To love good, you need to hate evil with all your heart. Friedrich Wolf

There is no worse evil than evil posing as good. Elena Polina

All the highest achievements – virtues, as well as the greatest atrocities – are individual. Carl Gustav Jung
Evil can be corrected, but cannot be translated into good. Clive Staples Lewis

Man is always where good and evil converge. Peter Kvyatkovsky

Courage to defend the Fatherland is a virtue, but courage in a robber is villainy. Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

In order to preserve your kingdom in virtues, what you forbid to do to others, never do it yourself: it’s scary for your subjects to learn about the atrocities of power. Basil I the Macedonian

One can do good without having full knowledge of what is good and evil. Leo Tolstoy

If you pay good for evil, then why pay for good? Rudolf Konstantinovich Balandin

Unfortunately, Evil is stronger in nature. Evil is destructive. It destroys much easier than Good creates. Sergey Lukyanenko

There are times when it is impossible to answer good to evil. Sometimes evil just needs to be stopped. Lisa Jane Smith

People are weird. For good they always take revenge more severely than for the most evil evil. Dmitry Emets

Pure evil never seems evil. It manifests itself if good is mixed with it. Iris Murdoch

In that childish world, the line between good and evil seemed distinct and simple. Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego

… all good acts openly; all evil is certainly cunning, cowardly hiding behind illusions, masks, dreams. Robert Sheckley

The border between day and night is the light of a lamp.
The line between good and evil is compassion.
Feng Jitsai

Freedom is not the right to choose between good and evil, but the right to protect oneself from evil. Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Someone asked: “Is it right to say that evil must be paid for with good?” Teacher said: “Then why pay for good? You must pay for evil in fairness, and good for good. ” Confucius

Evil is uncontrollable good. S.N. Lazarev

He who does good, having the unlimited ability to do evil, is worthy of praise not only for the good done, but for all the evil that he does not do. Walter Scott

We cannot take a scalpel and open the human soul, so that, having cut out all the evil from there, sew good into its place. Good and evil are generally abstract categories. Oleg Roy

Watch it! These are miracles! Opening! Good wants a neighbor pleasant experiences, while evil, on the contrary, wants him suffering. Feel it! Good wants to protect someone from suffering, and evil wants to protect from pleasure. Good rejoices in the happiness of others, and evil in the suffering of others. Good is embarrassed by its impulses, and evil by its own. Vladimir Dudintsev

What does the Lord need? Does he need good or a choice of good? Perhaps the person who has chosen evil is in some way better than the good man, but good not of his choice? Anthony Burgess

Evil hastened the perfection of the universe, without evil it would not have been perfect, why did God allow it, for it itself was perfect and had to desire perfection, not in the sense of perfect good, but in the sense of all-round saturation, diverse wealth of existence. Evil became angrier if the good existed, and the good was more beautiful if the evil existed, perhaps even – although this is a moot point – that evil would not be evil at all if it weren’t for good, and good would not be good if it weren’t evil. Thomas Mann

People need to listen when they say good things. And when they say evil, there’s nothing to listen to, not to repeat. Lyubov Voronkova

Evil is the same product of human freedom as good. Of all living beings, only man is capable of doing evil, sometimes voluntarily, consciously, with knowledge of the matter. Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling

It is easy to be noble: the choice between good and evil is obvious to any normal person. Even if you need to sacrifice yourself. And if not yourself? And if the choice is not between good and evil, but between two “evils”? Oleg Roy

White and black figures seemed to embody the confrontation between light and darkness, between good and evil, concluded in the human spirit itself. Garry Kasparov

The line between good and evil is so thin that often people, crossing it, do not even realize how much their world has changed. Kristina Poleva

Useful and useless, as good and evil in general, develops together, and a person must be able to make a choice for himself. Mahatma Gandhi

The line between good and evil, right and wrong can be very thin, and when emotionally excited it is almost impossible to see. Harry harrison

“But is there any difference between good and evil?”

  • They say there is some kind of small one; Yes, this is not our business.
    Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Humans are complex creatures. How can a queen be both good and evil? How can a killer be a killer and a savior? Patrick Ness

Man is sincere in vice and insincere in virtue. See, atrocities pour like a free song; and virtuous life stretches like a memorial service. Why is this? Why such a horror? <…> Vice is picturesque, and virtue is so dim. What is all this horror ?!
Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

It turns out that you yourself determine what is good and what is evil. You become a judge. And to top it all, you also declare that goodness can change over time and under the influence of circumstances. Besides, even worse, there are a million of you, and everyone decides what is good and what is evil. Therefore, when your good and evil collide with the good and evil of your neighbor, disputes and quarrels arise, and even wars break out. But if in reality there is no absolute good, then you have no reason to judge. These are just words, and then anyone can change the word “good” to the word “evil.” William Paul Young

Not an evil beginning, but a thirst for the best most often directs the steps of a person who has gone astray. Not an evil principle, but kindness most often seduces a sensitive nature, not used to reasoning. Theodore Dreiser

No one, seeing evil, chooses it, but comes across, seduced by evil, as if it is good in comparison with greater evil than it.

Cynicism is dangerous primarily because it raises malice in virtue. Andre Morois

Evil is needed in order to know good. Only a contradiction allows us to find out the true essence of things. Bernard Werber

Darkness does not always mean evil, and light does not always bring good. Phillis Cast

Evil is given to everyone without difficulty, and it is many-sided, while good, one might say, is always the same. Blaise Pascal

Good and evil are two rivers that mixed their waters so well that it is impossible to separate them. Pierre Bouast

I don’t know what is better – whether it is evil that does good, or good that does harm. Michelangelo Buonarroti

Good and evil are relative concepts, and people simply adapt them to their goals. William Somerset Maugham

A soul capable of the greatest good is also capable of the greatest evil. John Steinbeck

When evil disguises itself as good, it does it somehow insincerely. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Literature cannot be trusted in your life. Because good and evil in literature are inseparable. Just like in nature. Sergey Dovlatov

The case of doing evil is presented a hundred times a day, and the case of doing good is only once a year. Voltaire

In the night, Good and Evil have one face. You cannot distinguish an enemy from a friend. Therefore, I invent lamps. Luke Bossi

Good, too, is fraught with danger; it can cause more destruction than simple evil. Erich Maria Remarque

No one else knows what is good and what is evil – if he himself is not creative! Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

The moral evil in people is the result of material evil. Suffering breeds fear, mistrust, dishonesty, the struggle with everything.
Georges Sand
Egoism writes in ink the evil done to him and in pencil – the good done to him. Sophia Segur

Real good is what you decided to do when you could do evil. Roberto Savyano

Things are not always what they seem. Much that seems evil can be good. For example, rain. George Martin

Evil opposes good even when good wants to help those who have embarked on the path of evil. Chingiz Aitmatov

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil coexist in it. Andre Morois

One words are at enmity with each other, in life good and evil are intertwined. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

There is a force that is called the mind.
And you are able to weigh on the scales
Good and evil.
Dante Alighieri

War changes a person. Everything is confused in the head, and a person ceases to distinguish between good and evil. M. L. Stedman

Good and evil in war are relative concepts, they mainly depend on who gets the upper hand. Sergey Musanif

Half the consequences of good intentions are evil. Half of the consequences of evil intent are good. Mark Twain

The duty of society is to prevent evil and not only support, but also reward good. Eugene Xu

Good is to save life, to promote life, evil is to destroy life, to harm life. A. Schweitzer

Try to eliminate the concrete evil rather than realize the abstract good. Karl Popper

The most dangerous is a man who is unable to do harm to a fly: he does not dare to offend a scorpion. Grigory Landau

A person deprived of freedom of evil would be an automaton of good. Nikolay Berdyaev

There would be little evil in the world if it were impossible to do it in the name of good. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

Man has become too powerful to continue playing with evil. Excessive power dooms to integrity. Jean Rostan

It cannot be good born from an evil father. Euripides

From what we receive good, from the same we can receive evil, as well as a means to avoid evil. So, for example, deep water is useful in many ways, but, on the other hand, it is harmful, since there is a danger of drowning in it. However, a means was found to avoid this danger – swimming training. Democritus

Being a good person means not only not doing injustice, but also not wanting it. Democritus

Good is freedom. Only for freedom or in freedom is the difference between good and evil. S. Kierkegaard

He who has done good to people is a kind person; he who suffered for the good done by him is a very kind person; he who took death for it, he reached the peak of virtue, heroic and perfect. J. Labruyere

A tiny good deed is better than the most solemn promise to do the impossible. T. Macaulay

Not so much in faith I believe, but in kindness, which without faith is easily dispensed with and can even be a product of doubt. T. Mann

In yourself, within you is the source of good. He will not stop babbling as you dig him up. Marcus Aurelius

Kindness is what the deaf can hear and see the blind. Mark Twain

By doing good to a good person, we make him even better, but evil from the good deeds that are given to him becomes even worse. Michelangelo

When you do good, you yourself feel a certain joyful satisfaction and legitimate pride that accompanies a clear conscience. M. Montaigne

To anyone who has not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm. M. Montaigne

The great sign of kindness is the ability to forget the memories of others. A. Morois

Good and evil differ from each other in a different hierarchy of passions and the dominance of goals. F. Nietzsche

The best in good deeds is the desire to withhold them. B. Pascal