There is no end to repair

Whatever trouble happens during the repair, there will always be someone who knew that it would be so.

There is no end to repair – if his wife started it. Dry Rot Repair

After major repairs in the apartment, you can open your own building materials store – after all, everything was purchased with a 5% margin for undercutting, which remained – a margin!

Making repairs in the apartment, the owners realized that swollen linoleum is not damp, but a tortoise that disappeared 4 years ago.

A neighbor comes at 10 in the evening and says – give a drill, I will return it in the morning … Fungus Repair

Someone besides me is waiting for the hosts to come in and say, “What the hell have you done here ?!” ?

  • And we started a renovation at home)) – Where did we start? – With swearing

Glued in the living room wallpaper. Not without “jambs.”
Husband: – Bullshit! If you walk fast – imperceptibly. termite damage repair

Even if you invest money in the repair of the smallest apartment as in the largest stadium, still something will be unfinished.

The best gift for me right now is a punch with a silencer, given to my neighbors!

A real vacation is when you buy shorts and a panama hat, and not new wallpaper and laminate …

First, a person paints a place, then it – others.

Lord, how much has not been done! And how much remains to be done!

Yesterday after sex, she told her husband that it was time to whitewash the ceiling. I almost killed …

It seems that nothing lasts as long as a repair !!! home remodeling near me

No need to postpone until tomorrow what you can not do at all.

Repair, a cool thing, especially when you sit and watch how others do it

Repair is not a process, it is a way of life. At least until you finish it.

Be able to enjoy the happiness of others! For example, I was most happy when the neighbors finished the repair!

Signs that your home needs urgent repairs.

  1. Your wife got the issue of the magazine “Modern Interior”.
  2. It was the turn of the neighbors to wake up to the sounds of a punch!
  3. The mother-in-law arrives. Well, she will not live during the repair!
  4. Opening the window, you hand hold the entire frame so that it does not fall out of the opening.
  5. From a knock on the door, the latter falls to the floor in the hallway.
  6. Skirting boards are tangled underfoot.
  7. The total area of ​​your apartment is so many meters, and the living area is zero meters.
  8. The bricks that serve as the legs of your sofa have cracked for a long time.
  9. When it starts to rain, all the buckets and bowls you have are ready!
  10. To the guests you are given not only slippers, but also a work dressing gown with a respirator.
  11. A new person entering your apartment is involuntarily baptized, even if he is an unbeliever.
  12. Everything in the apartment reminds of Him (the fire of 1985) or of Her (the pressure cooker that exploded five minutes before the fire) …
  13. You do not spend money on antibiotics, but eat directly from the walls, where you have wonderful wonderful penicillin!
  14. When it gets dark, you can read with sparkling and burning wiring.
  15. Children play on the swollen floor in the “King of the Hill”, and during the game of hide and seek, they hide behind the wallpaper behind the walls.
  16. A palm tree in the corner took root on the floor, and flowers on the window took root through the windowsill and extract water on their own, from the battery.
  17. Tajiks look through the windows and intrusively offer their services.