Quotes to the direction of “He and she” for the final essay 2019-2020

The relationship between a man and a woman, both in the personal and in the social sphere, has always worried domestic and foreign writers, publicists, and philosophers. The themes of the works of this direction provide an opportunity to consider various manifestations of these relations: from friendship and love to conflict and mutual rejection. The subject of reflection may also be the variety of relationships between men and women in a social, cultural, family context, including spiritual ties between the child and parents. Extensive literary material contains examples of understanding the subtle nuances of the spiritual coexistence of two worlds, called “he” and “she”.

In this area, you can reflect on the relationship between men and women. This means that we will talk about love, fidelity, friendship, family, etc.

He and She are not two different interpretations
A beautiful legend of the times?
Two sounds to create a single ring
Two atoms, in the law of gravity.
In the spring of the great burnt offering,
With one hotkey, every spirit is swept up.
She and he are lit by each other.
Or just wanting desire?
In the spring opened window
Sounds come from all directions to the heart,
In them is the sweetness of ravishing flour.
A hundred thousand distant stars are lit in them.
And we pray, breaking pink hands
That which is essentially one.

C. Balmont

Aspects of the direction of he and she

He and she: from love to hate. Fidelity / betrayal, gratitude, respect, love / hate, jealousy, friendship, pity, etc. Attachment, sympathy, habit, etc. Mutual understanding and its absence, ways to achieve mutual understanding.
Love can be different: mutual / unrequited, platonic / physical, destructive / creative, love-passion – love is calm, real / ideal. Love is friendship, fatal love, beautiful, active, selfless love. True / False. First love.
Relationships in the family. What are the relationships in different families, what are they based on.
Loneliness of man. The role of love in human life.

↑ LOVE CONCEPT: meaning.

“Love” is a universal concept that is present in all cultures and refers to the concepts of “highest spiritual value”. Love means a deep, individually selective intimate feeling and has a rational, emotional, and evaluative characterization.
“Love” – “a feeling of selfless, cordial affection”, “inclination, addiction to something.” In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language, derivatives of the general linguistic nominee of the concept are given: “to love”, “to love”, “to love”.

“To love,” writes V. I. Dahl, “to love whom, that, to feel love, strong for whom, affection, ranging from inclination to passion; strong desire, desire; “the election and preference of whom or something by will, by will (not reason), sometimes completely unaccountable and reckless.”

Encyclopedic publications often provide a philosophical interpretation of the concept of “love.” In the dictionary of F. Brockhaus and I. Efron, in an article written by V. Solovyov, love is defined as “a feeling that is extremely diverse in content and power <…> as the highest spiritual emotion, which is expressed in feelings of reverence and delight in the mental contemplation of the image that personifies the highest perfection and beauty “,” the source of religious and artistic creativity. “

Love in ethical and psychological studies and dictionaries is defined as “the feeling evoked by the subject by experiencing the central place of the value of the object in the system of his personal priorities, subject to rational unmotivated choice of this object and its uniqueness. At the same time, the lover feels the desire to receive the item in his “personal sphere” or to keep it in it, wishes him well and prosperity, is ready to make sacrifices for him, take care of him, takes responsibility for his well-being, he finds the meaning of his love existence and the highest moral law.

The associative series of the concept of “love” includes such concepts as self-sacrifice, compassion, and selflessness.

The associative dictionary shows signs of love: eternal, earthly, at first sight, unrequited, platonic, faithful, to the grave), as well as emotions accompanying love (happiness, joy, despair).

Love is the most important factor determining the life behavior of a person, leading him to harmony.
In the dictionary of signs and symbols, love is seen as an image of the spiritual unity of two principles, opposites, as a path to the center: “the main goal of true love is to overcome duality and disconnection, which involves the renunciation of one’s own” I “.”

Quotes to prepare for Direction “IT AND IT”

We are different: you have nothing to talk about with me, I have nothing to keep silent with you.
R. Valiullin

If you take a half-good man and a half-good woman and put them together in the best halves, you will get one good man, all good.
R. Bradbury

When a man and a woman remember the differences between them and treat them with understanding and respect, then there is a chance that their love will flourish.
J. gray

Only a lover sees the face of a loved one.
Nikolay Berdyaev

Equality has always been the strongest foundation of love.
G. Lessing

When you love someone, you love him, and if you can’t give him anything else, you still give him love.
J. Orwell

Love equalizes everything in the world.
Miguel Cervantes

Respect was invented in order to hide the empty place where love should be. In love, there is no more and less.
L.N. Tolstoy

The paradox of love: two become one, remaining two.
Erich Fromm

A true love story never ends.
Richard Bach

The highest happiness of life is the belief that you are loved; love for your own sake, or rather – love contrary to you.
V. Hugo

Love is a reflection of our own virtues in another person.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love is a willingness to age with another person.
Albert Camus

Love is the highest courage: it is ready for any sacrifice.
E. von Bodman

When you don’t talk to anyone about whom you love, this love seems to be stronger: it’s like a bottle of ether: if it is clogged, the smell is strong, but if you leave it open, it disappears.
M. Bashkirtseva

One who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.
M. Bulgakov

A person can become close to you in three days. And someone who has been living with you for years may not know what your favorite color is.
E. Remark

Contrary to popular belief, love does not cause pain. The instinct of ownership torments, and it is the opposite of love.
A. Exupery